Toddler Visits

Start dental visits early.


The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that preventive dental visits start by the time your child turns 1. Starting your child’s dental visits early sets the foundation for a lifelong positive association with dental care. As pediatric dental specialists, we know how to create an exceptional first dental experience so your child will look forward to coming back. In our experience, these early positive experiences help prevent dental-related anxiety from forming, and they create long-term positive attitudes towards dental care. Our qualified team has considerable experience treating children of all ages, from babies to teens. We take the extra time to really get to know you and your child, which is why we’ve become a trusted dental home for families across the Grand Island area.

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They have a great amount of patience! They are calm, thorough, and made me, as the parent, very comfortable with knowing my kids are getting the care they need. They also took the time to answer any questions that I had. Highly recommend!


The First Visit


With our colorful rooms and welcoming environment, we know your toddler is going to love their first visit to Pediatric Dental Specialists–Grand Island. Our team is here to support you and your child so the all-important first visit is as stress-free as possible. This appointment is mostly about getting to know each other. It gives your child a chance to become familiar with our office and our team and learn what a dental checkup involves. We’ll ask you a few questions about your child’s eating habits and diet, and then your pediatric dentist will do a knee-to-knee evaluation and toothbrush prophy. Your child can remain on your lap the entire time to help them feel comfortable and safe. Dental appointments will look like this up to around the age of 3 or when your child is ready to move into the big-kid chair. For older children who are happy to be in the big chair on their own, we will slowly start to introduce dental instruments and move toward a full prophy (professional cleaning).

When Your Child is 2 or Over


If your child is 2 or over and hasn’t had their first dental visit yet, rest assured that it’s never too late to start. We understand every child’s dental journey is unique. We truly believe that today is a great day to start, no matter how old your child is. Our specially trained team and experienced dentists prioritize the comfort and safety of every child, approaching first-time visits for children of all ages with gentle care and understanding. If your child is quite young, we would do a knee-to-knee evaluation where your child can sit comfortably on your lap. Or if they are happy to sit in the big chair, we can do that instead. The key to positive dental experiences for kids is working at their pace and no one else’s. Patience pays off when a child learns to enjoy dental visits and look after their teeth and gums. If your child is 3 or older, our team will take digital X-rays. This helps us to track your child’s oral development over time and to take a look at what’s happening behind the scenes.

Preparing Your Little One



Make it fun!

Try to make your child’s at-home oral health routine fun. Use a colorful toothbrush, sing a favorite song, and engage your child so that they look forward to brushing and flossing.


Talk about it.

Discuss what your child’s dental visit will be like and focus on the positives. Use simple language, such as “The dentist is going to count your teeth and make sure they are all healthy,” or “The dentist is fun, and they have a really cool big-kid chair.”

Talking about it reduces the fear of the unknown and helps to set the stage for a positive first experience.



Do a pretend dental visit at home. You can play the dentist, examining your child's teeth with a toothbrush. Praise your child for their cooperation and remind them how well they are adapting to something new.


Read together.

Read a children’s book about visiting the dentist. This can make them less apprehensive about the visit when they see their favorite characters enjoying dental visits.


Watch YouTube videos.

Find YouTube videos of your child’s favorite characters visiting the dentist or brushing their teeth. It all helps your child to become more familiar with what happens at a dental visit.


Stay calm.

The first dental visit can be a stressful time for parents as well. Try to stay calm and reassure your child there’s no need to be afraid. Remember to remind yourself that’s true too! You and your child will love visiting a pediatric dental office like ours.

There are options for that unexpected dental procedure.

We want to help you make getting the dental care your child needs easy, with or without insurance.

We work with your insurance to maximize your benefits.

No insurance? We also accept other forms of payment such as credit cards, cash, and check. We also accept CareCredit, which offers flexible monthly payments and zero interest for six or 12 months on larger charges.

At Pediatric Dental Specialists–Grand Island, your toddlers are in safe hands!

Our dedicated team of pediatric dental professionals loves providing expert care to little teeth and making dental visits fun and enjoyable for all.

Contact our friendly team today to make an appointment for your child. You won’t regret it!